C.G. V

Terms and conditions of sale

The company CAB TRANSFER provides transport services using chauffeur-driven vehicles (VTC), exclusively by reservation and at a pre-defined price. The head office of CAB TRANSFER is located at 68 Avenue de Pessicart 06100 NICE.

CAB TRANSFER is registered with the Registre du Commerce under number 847 685 609 and with the Registre des Exploitants de Voiture de Transport avec Chauffeur of the Ministère de l’Environnement, de l’Energie et de la Mer under number EVTC006190069.

1. Purpose

The purpose of the present General Conditions is to define the conditions applicable to contracts for the provision of transport services concluded between CAB TRANSFER and its customers. By using the services of CAB TRANSFER, the customer is presumed to have read these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and to have fully accepted them.

2. Formation of the Transport Service Contract

The customer can make a request for a service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on the CAB TRANSFER website or by telephone on 06 69 04 85 97. The customer provides all the information concerning his service request. He/she is solely responsible for this information, the following of which is considered essential to the contract: customer name, e-mail address, telephone number, date of transport service, pick-up point, drop-off point, pick-up time, number of passengers (adult/child), number of baggage items, nature of service (transfer, provision). CAB TRANSFER sets the price of the service according to the information provided by the customer.

Payment is made by credit card via a secure electronic system. By communicating his/her bank details, the customer accepts in advance and unconditionally that CAB TRANSFER may proceed with the secure transaction and authorizes his/her bank in advance to debit his/her account for the amount of the service. After confirmation by the customer of his request for service and payment of the price, CAB TRANSFER sends him, in return, exclusively by e-mail, a reservation form summarizing the information relating to the service. The customer is responsible for checking the information on the booking form. If CAB TRANSFER is unable to send the said reservation form by e-mail, the reservation is presumed to comply with the customer’s request.

3. Rates

CAB TRANSFER sets the price of the service in accordance with the information provided by the customer. Flat rates have priority over transfers. The prices indicated in our tariffs include VAT at the rate set by the regulations in force for transport services (10% for transfers, 20% for provisioning), chauffeur service, fuel and unlimited insurance for the persons transported; tolls are included in the transport. Parking fees are not included. The service does not include catering, parking or hotel expenses for the driver.

4. Payment

Payment methods accepted: Cash, credit cards (Visa, MasterCard). All transport services by transfer or provision are payable at the time of order or on board the vehicle. However, for certain pick-up locations that are too far from the company’s head office, CAB TRANSFER reserves the right to ask the customer for a deposit or payment in full, payable in advance.

5. Booking and cancellation

5.1. Booking

All bookings imply unreserved acceptance of the present terms and conditions of sale. The customer and the supplier undertake to respect all the clauses mentioned in the present contract. No modification may be made to the above conditions except by prior agreement between the parties. The present contract shall be suspended or cancelled ipso jure and without compensation of any kind in all cases recognized as force majeure (events outside CAB TRANSFER’s control), such as disruption of traffic routes, bad weather, demonstrations, accidents, breakdowns or malfunctions in telecommunications networks, shortages of manpower or materials, etc. The contract shall not be deemed concluded until payment for the order has been received. Failing this, the contract is automatically null and void.

All chauffeur-driven car reservations are binding and must be made at least 24 hours in advance via the website or at the last minute by telephone, subject to availability.

Special feature for airport and train station pick-ups:

As soon as you arrive, switch on your cell phone.

Please note the flight or train number in “additional information” when booking.

For flights, if you don’t have checked baggage, the 15-minute wait included in the fare is usually sufficient. However, if you need to retrieve checked baggage and/or if you’re coming from a non-European destination, the time it takes to get off the plane, retrieve your baggage and deal with any law-enforcement checks will be quite long.

To avoid having to pay a waiting time, we advise you to add a 30-minute delay.

5.2. Cancellation / Modification

A reservation may be cancelled by the customer, prior to the pick-up time indicated on the reservation form, by e-mail only to contact@cabtransfer-paca.com :

* 100% refund if the cancellation is made more than 24 hours before the pick-up time.

* 0% refund if cancellation occurs less than 24 hours before pick-up time.

However, in the event of cancellation by the customer, a processing fee will be retained if payment was made by credit card. This fee represents 5% of the total amount of the cancelled service.

Any modification of the contract during the performance of the service may lead to a readjustment of the agreed price. CAB TRANSFER reserves the right to refuse such modifications.

Bookings cancelled for reasons of force majeure, such as extreme weather conditions or unforeseen events, may be refunded in full at CAB TRANSFER’s discretion.

5.3. Price increase / Delay

Any delay by the passenger(s) in relation to the pick-up time indicated on the booking form will result in an increase in the price of the service, if the customer informs the driver by telephone on 06 69 04 85 97, in accordance with the following terms and conditions:

* 15 minutes late: 20 euros

* 30 minutes late: 40 euros

* For each additional quarter-hour delay: 20 euros

These surcharges must be paid at the latest when the passenger(s) board the vehicle.

However, in cases of force majeure, such as flight/train delays or prior agreement with our customer service department, the late fee may not apply to the passenger.

All requests for pick-up between 9:00 pm and 8:00 am will be subject to a 20% surcharge.

In the event of the customer’s absence from the meeting place after the first 15 minutes free of charge, without any indication from the customer or response to the driver’s telephone call, the service will be definitively forfeited, with no possibility of postponement and no right to claim any reimbursement whatsoever.

6. Quality of service

The transport of people for payment is a regulated activity. Only authorized vehicles may carry out this service and :

* With a professional card number issued by the prefecture.

* With a registration certificate issued by the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, Bureau de l’organisation du transport routier de voyageurs / pôle VTC.

* With a registration badge affixed to the vehicle’s windshield.

CAB TRANSFER undertakes to provide or arrange for the provision of transport services in accordance with the booking form and in compliance with all regulations and legislation in force. CAB TRANSFER also reserves the right to provide a vehicle equivalent to that ordered or to upgrade to a higher category of vehicle.

In the event of subcontracting, CAB TRANSFER ensures that the persons and companies it uses meet the same conditions.

At CAB TRANSFER, we place the utmost importance on the selection of our drivers, as they are the face of our company and play a crucial role in our customers’ experience. We are committed to choosing highly qualified and professional drivers, implementing a rigorous selection process that guarantees their competence, reliability and integrity.

7. Liability

CAB TRANSFER is guaranteed by a solvent insurance company which covers the risks associated with its activity in accordance with current regulations.

In the event of a dispute, the liability of CAB TRANSFER may only be accepted on condition that the customer can prove that CAB TRANSFER was at fault and that there is a causal link with the damage claimed.

CAB TRANSFER’s unlimited multi-risk insurance covers the company’s liabilities.

The customer is legally and criminally responsible for his actions.

7.1. Responsibility of the customer and persons transported

The customer undertakes for himself and for the passengers for whom he has contracted CAB TRANSFER to behave as a good father of the family from the moment he takes charge, in particular, by respecting the driver and the transport equipment as well as the following provisions:

  • Compliance with the Highway Code (seatbelts, car seats, booster seats, etc.),
  • No smoking, eating or transporting hazardous materials. If necessary, your driver will make a stop along the way.
  • Alcohol is not permitted on board the vehicle,
  • Luggage is accepted but remains the customer’s responsibility. CAB TRANSFER cannot be held responsible for damage to and/or loss of luggage or electronic devices (telephone, tablet, etc.).
  • Any damage to the vehicle caused by the customer will be charged to the customer.
  • For any other damage resulting in immobilization of the vehicle: invoicing at actual cost + immobilization costs + loss of turnover.

The customer must indicate at the time of booking if adapted seats are required for children or if he/she has non-standard luggage. The driver reserves the right to refuse boarding without any claim for reimbursement if the customer fails to do so.

The customer must respect the number of persons and luggage for the category of vehicle for which he has booked. Any excess may result in a fare adjustment on higher ranges. The driver reserves the right to propose a fare adjustment if the number of people or luggage exceeds the capacity of the category reserved, and this will not give rise to any refund if the customer refuses this adjustment.

7.2. Non-compliance with safety instructions

In the event of non-compliance by the customer or passengers with the safety instructions set out above, CAB TRANSFER reserves the right to immediately terminate the service without refund and without any compensation being claimed by the customer.

At CAB TRANSFER, we are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all participants involved in our transportation services. As part of this commitment, we extend our liability clause to include material or physical damage caused to third parties by our customers during the transportation service.

Company liability :

CAB TRANSFER assumes full responsibility for any material or physical damage caused by its own actions during the transport service. We undertake to compensate third parties affected by such damage within the limits set by current legislation and our insurance policies.

Customer liability:

In addition to the company’s liability, customers are held responsible for any material or physical damage they may cause to third parties during the journey. This includes, but is not limited to, damage caused to other vehicles, public or private property, as well as to people present at the pick-up or drop-off location.

Reinforced protection for participants :

This clause reinforces the protection of all parties involved in the transport service. By clarifying the responsibility of customers for their own actions during the journey, we aim to promote responsible and respectful behavior on the part of our customers, while guaranteeing adequate compensation for third parties affected by any damage.

8. Complaints

All complaints must be sent by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt, within eight days of the service, to CAB TRANSFER’s head office. After this deadline, no claim will be taken into account. CAB TRANSFER undertakes to respond within 30 days of receipt of the complaint.

9. Protection of Personal Data

The information collected is processed for the purpose of managing reservations and improving CAB TRANSFER services. Customers may exercise their rights of access, rectification and opposition by contacting CAB TRANSFER.

10. Applicable law and disputes

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale are governed by French law. Any dispute relating to their interpretation and/or execution shall be referred to the competent French courts.

Nice, 24/03/2024.

CAB TRANSFER reserves the right to modify the present General Terms and Conditions of Sale at any time. The General Terms and Conditions of Sale applicable are those in force on the date of the reservation.